Use of Cookies
What is a Cookie?
A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer when you visit a website. The text stores information that the website can read when you revisit it at a later time. Some of these cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the website, while others are useful to the visitor as they can remember data entered in the contact form, avoiding repetition. However, this website does not store or track any kind of data; the use of the contact form is merely a substitute for email and does not store the data entered.
Why This Website Uses Cookies
Cookies are used to remember what actions the user has taken on this website, generally in terms of page views. These are therefore technical cookies and/or used for analyzing user traffic patterns with the sole purpose of improving usability. Additionally, the website uses third-party services which themselves use cookies, deployed through plugins, widgets, or links. Here is a list of these services along with links to their individual privacy policies:
- Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google Inc.
- Google Ads is an advertising banner service provided by Google Inc.
- Google Maps is a service that allows the search and display of geographical maps, provided by Google Inc.
- YouTube and Vimeo are two web platforms that allow the sharing and online viewing of videos.
- Instagram is a photo-sharing app.
- Twitter is a social network.
- Facebook is a social network.
Where to Find Information on How to Disable or Manage Cookies in Different Browsers
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Apple Safari
- Microsoft Windows Explorer
By disabling cookies, the functionality of this website may be compromised. By closing the banner on this page and all other pages of the website, or by clicking on a link, you consent to the use of cookies.
This cookie policy was last updated on September 14, 2023. Any updates will always be published on this link.
Technical Cookies in Use with the WordPress Platform, Plugins, Widgets, and Analytics
Cookies and Privacy Attributes
Name: cookieyes-consent
Path: /
Expiration: 1 year
Validity Days: 365
Content: onsentid:VmVJd1N5MlBiUWUzekVtNUY0SFBJeVl1cGhpTDdmeGI,consent:no,action:,necessary:yes,functional:no,analytics:no,performance:no,advertisement:no,other:no